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10351 Verdon Rd Doswell, VA 23047-1600
United States

About INDEVCO Packaging Solutions

At INDEVCO North America we are committed to innovating sustainable packaging materials and designing for end of life. The plants within INDEVCO Packaging Solutions Division manufacture a wide range of converting materials for folding carton, corrugated, and plastic packaging. We also manufacture plastic bags, paperboard sheets, and containers for consumer and industrial applications.

As a trusted partner in product development, we emphasize innovation – whether it’s selecting newly introduced raw materials, enhancing and testing packaging designs, or improving runnability of new products.

We work closely with our customers to contribute to their sustainability goals. We offer downgauged and lightweight materials, source supplier chain-of-custody certified renewable materials and eco-friendly coatings, produce post industrial recycled (PIR) and post-consumer recycled (PCR) resins, and design packaging for recyclability or compostability.

Offers support for Small-Medium Sized Businesses PACK EXPO Green

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Sustainable Solution Description

At INDEVCO North America, we’ve committed to developing, manufacturing, and supplying products and services that are not only sustainable but also essential in helping our customers and end users reach their ambitions to achieve Net Zero carbon footprint. At INDEVCO Packaging Solutions division, we work closely with our customers to design products from the beginning for end-of-life, source raw materials from chain-of-custody certified suppliers, downgauge plastic films and lightweight paperboard, and introduce recycled content and sustainable coatings into our packaging portfolio. We look forward to the challenge of reaching our goals, as we remain committed to protecting Mother Earth and her people for the generations to come.