LCI Corporation
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PO Box 16348 Charlotte,
NC 28297-6348
United States
- Phone: (704) 398-7728
About LCI Corporation
LCI Corporation can engineer and provide complete granulation and evaporation systems to take your product from slurry to powder to pellet (or sphere), ready for packaging or further processing. From drying to feeding to pelletizing, these systems are based on the broadest range of extrusion methods available – saving on equipment, space, and maintenance costs, while also providing consistent and efficient product handling and performance. This flexibility of choice allows our clients to more closely produce the exact properties they require for their packaging and processing needs.
Product Categories
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Vertical Markets
Grains, Seeds, Beans, Flour, Nuts
Life Sciences/Pharma/Healthcare
Other packaged products
Sustainable Solution Description
LCI has helped reduce the environmental impact from industrial production and create safe and clean working environments as well as boosting production efficiency. Our technologies have the ability to concentrate waste streams and recover solvents, maintain consistent product quality with short residence times, improve the efficiency of operation, improve product handling and performance, and provide stable discharge of waste and recycled materials. These solutions continue to result in better product quality, consistency, repeatability, control, and cost saving; allowing our clients to be more energy efficient, have better emissions control with a lower carbon footprint, and find alternative solutions for their waste products, rather than sending their items to the landfill.